Some theses about women &
Northern Soul
There are some points concerning women and Northern Soul,
which are bothering me:
Why are there so few women
- visiting allnighters
- collecting records
- DJing?
Below I present my own theses about these questions. Please
feel free to send me
your guesses.
1. Why are there so few women visiting
- Women like to go out in groups. These groups prefer to
go to mainstream music events, where they could meet people they
2. Why are there so few women collecting
- For unknown reasons women don't like to be interested
in things nobody of their friends are interested in.
- Record collecting costs a lot of money and time. Neither
money nor time are what most of the women have because
- jobs for women are badly paid
- some women have no own money to spend at all because they
are married
- some women have no time because they are supposed to look
after their children.
3. Why are there so few women DJing?
- For unknown reasons women don't think that beeing a DJ
is something achievable.
- To be a DJ one have to get into an existing DJ-formation.
Women don't want to bother with fighting to get into this cycle.
- Existing DJ-formations won't let women participating because
of chauvinism: Women can't do that. Women shouldn't do that.
- Their boyfriends or husbands don't let them.
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